Tears of wonder
And ecstasy
Tears of memories
Of you next to me
Bewilderment of how time moves
And also the mind
And of miracles born
When love we choose
Five years have passed
And you're still my best friend
Though not in your body
You still hold my hand
And The Remembering has unfolded
In the chair that you sat
Through your dis-ease of "forgetting"
I couldn't have dreamed that
And still today
I sit next to you
Closing my eyes, reaching 'cross spiritual skies
Christed gold, ultraviolet, deep indigo-blue
And with Krishna and Christ
We walk hand in hand
And dance in eternity
Hari's flute call the band
And "Katie Duck" and "Little P," growing
Bigger by the day
And we walk this path together
Light of love guides the way
I am blessed to be their "Uncle"
Though "Godfather" is probably better
Living compassion, meditation, devotion
And even helping with cursive letters
And while the tears of separation
In this material, they well
Our love spirals through infinity
Beyond the body shell
And Radharani and Blessed Mother
Hold us in their arms
As their presence sparkles in these eyes
Intoxicating charms
Scrolling through these pictures
Light-headed and drunk on bliss
The greatest mercy steadily unfolds
But your presence here, I miss
This started as a birthday thought
For our beloved Patrick
Yet the memories of us on that special day
Are woven in my fabric
How could I not tell the tale
Of what you've done for me
And to offer the seed of hope for all:
Self-revelation, New Earth, infinite possibility
I'd be a fool to play it small
And think this grace isn't to share
To evolve our consciousness with love
To the creation, it wouldn't be fair
And so it is
11:11, the time it is so ripe
Dandavats my Papa
I feel you smile as I type
And once again you whisper
Reminding me so true
To rise and shine - The Remembering
My dear father and Guru